Published on May 20, 2004 By averjoe In Personal Computing
My Gateway2000 Vivitron monitor is on its way out. It’s kind of too soon for me. I had no intentions of buying a new or used monitor any time soon but circumstances seemed to have spoiled that plan.

The monitor was an excellent bargain when I purchased it. It came in at a nice twenty-five bucks. It was used of course but it has performed well. The time has been kind of short but for the price I’m not complaining too much. I feel I got my 'money’s worth' out of it.

Theoretically a monitor should last quite a long time. Before I discard mine I will do a final status check using a different computer.

I must admit that I am a little taken aback by the way it is going dead. All pins on this 15-pin connector seem to be fine. The video card is snuggly in its ASP socket; the monitor is securely plugged into the card yet I am not getting the full color spectrum like it is missing a pin (s) or something.

I’m definitely not going to buy a new monitor which could cost anywhere from as low as eighty-nine dollars on up (with a flat screen being no lower in price than two-hundred and ninety-nine dollars new-No Way!).

I’ll probably see if I can find a minimum fifteen-inch screen used monitor for twenty to twenty-five dollars (Brand is really not that important to me).

In buying hardware the main thing I try to make sure is that any hardware I buy is Linux compatible. The video card is important in this regard and not the monitor.

on May 20, 2004
I bought viewsonic ultrabrite for 75$ and I loved it ever since I bought it. It's worth the money.

If you go for the cheaper, it will lose focus in shorter time, or burn out.
on May 21, 2004
I really don't want to go any higher in price right now. I'm waiting for the prices of LCD monitors to drop significantly. It may be a long wait but I hear there are advancements in the manufacturing process that may eventually bring the price down substantially.
I would like you to give me more technical detail about the "burn out" of a monitor because that would be helpful in the analysis of the Vivitron.