I have a 128-megabyte USB thumb drive. This drive is 28 megabytes larger than my old Zip drive. It is solid state and some say it can take a beating without loosing data. I find this amazing. It’s good to see technology in data storage advancing so nicely.
I wonder how far away from having larger capacity storage devices that could replace the present type of hard disk drive with all those moving parts that can become more easily damaged than the Scandisk camera cards or the USB thumb drive.
I have a new Micro 108 keyboard. It is kind of small and I am having quite a time getting use to it. It feels like a laptop keyboard. I’m sure I will adjust in time but until then my typing speed will suffer.
Holes in Windows: The patches for Windows operating systems 98, Me, 2000, and XP keep rolling out. Well, I have said before that the Windows operating systems have many security issues. It almost seem like it was by design. Microsoft is not alone in its holey software. There is a lot of software with security issues. I think I mentioned the free version of Zone Alarm and Symantec’s Norton anti-virus, among others.
I think I can do the public a service and inform them that even with these latest patches Microsoft Windows 2000 is still being penetrated so I guess I’ll just wait until some more patches come out.
I’m waiting for Bill Gates to say, “ f**k it, I’m building a whole new operating system”----Oh!! He did that with Windows XP……….