Do You Know Your Party
Published on September 2, 2004 By averjoe In Current Events
What political party does one belong to if he endorses a Republican President, attends the Republican convention, and gives the keynote address at the Republican convention? You are a Republican of course and so is Zell Miller. Miller is a Democrat in name only.

If one truly wants to support the Party he or she belongs to then there are better ways to go about it and they don’t include endorsing the re-election of a President from another Party.

Miller needs to let go of his hold on so called “heritage” (say heritage with a southern drawl) and do what many have already done in the south and join the Republican Party.

Or maybe Zell is supporting Bush because he wants to stay in power and not for heritage reasons. The southeast seems to be trending Republican so he gets on stage at the Republican convention and lambast the Party he belongs to because it makes him appear Republican.

Why would you want to belong to a Party that you felt was not doing what was right for the country? A person with a little bit of integrity would resign from that Party and become a Republican or an Independent.

So Zell, go ahead and join the Republican Party. It is not like the party of the days of the Civil War. A few percent of the Republican Party have views that Jefferson Davis would be proud of.

I bet many of the attitudes and beliefs of many members of the Republican Party of today would have Lincoln not ‘turning’ or ‘rolling’ in his grave but doing somersaults.

on Sep 02, 2004
"I bet many of the attitudes and beliefs of many members of the Republican Party of today would have Lincoln not ‘turning’ or ‘rolling’ in his grave but doing somersaults."

Mmmkay, and I'm sure Lincoln would have been pro-gay marriage, and pro-abortion, too. No, I'm pretty sure he would look at the Democratic party and puke, frankly.

If there isn't room in the Democratic party for people like Zell Miller, then they need to stop courting them. They need to stay the hell away from "swing voters" and only allow people to side with them who believe everything along party lines. Come on, they picked Kerry, the furthest left, most UNcharacteristic member of Congress they could find to represent their party. Of course members furthesest to the right in their party are going to be angry.

Just because you hate Kerry doesn't mean you are a Republican. I know several lifetime Democrats that will be voting Republican or not voting at all this election because they made such a poor, poor choice for candidate this time around. They aren't changing their party affiliation, and neither should Zell Miller.
on Sep 02, 2004
"If you don't like it get out"...where have we heard that before...oh yeah, it was followed by the word "hippy".

Maybe he believes he can do more on the inside than out. Maybe he is just holding on to an honerable past. Maybe he is just stubborn. Or maybe he doesn't feel like he left the party but the party left him. Maybe he feels like the party should be tolerant of dissenting opinions.

Whatever you want to believe...but the dude is awfuly pissed off about something isn't he? Maybe he is just a bumbling idiot...or maybe he knows something you don't.

As for:
I bet many of the attitudes and beliefs of many members of the Republican Party of today would have Lincoln not ‘turning’ or ‘rolling’ in his grave but doing somersaults.

Do you mean attitudes and beliefs they actual have or attitudes and beliefs that you attribute to them?